Learning how to be Fashion Designers!

Learning how to be Fashion Designers!

We learned how to be fashion designers this week!

We were so lucky to be visited by Ms. McDyer, a real fashion designer. She told us all about her time working for the fashion industry.

Ms. McDyer showing us her design


We started off by discussing different types of fabrics and textures and how they would look as clothing.

After that, Ms. McDyer gave us our design brief- we had to design a stage outfit for our favourite popstar.

Next, we got to work and sketched our first outfit idea on tracing paper.

We then drew our final design and chose our fabrics.

Once we were happy with our designs, it was time to put our plan into action!

We learned how to make a pattern to help us cut the shape of our designs out of the fabric. We stuck these down onto our sheets.

We had so much fun designing and making our outfits. Here are some of our final designs:

Thank you so much Ms. McDyer for such a fun lesson!