Ms. Gargan’s Classwork 18th – 22nd January ’21

Ms. Gargan’s Classwork 18th – 22nd January ’21

Hello Boys and Girls,

I hope you had a lovely weekend and that you are ready to do some more school work at home.  Well done on completing some great work last week.  I especially enjoyed reading your responses to the Christmas Senses activity on Google Classroom.  Attached please find an overview of the work for this week and any worksheets that you need.  I have also included the answers to last weeks Spellings and Maths.  This week we are going to complete 

Unit 13 in Spellings and Week 13 in Maths so make sure you double check this before starting.  I have included some hints to help you out.

If you attend Ms. Nolan for reading please look at her overview which she has also attached here.

If you have not already logged onto Google Classroom please can you try over the next day or two.  There are additional activities there for you.  Ask a friend to help you out if you are having problems.

If you complete all of this work each day and you want to challenge yourself further don’t forget to log on to Mathletics.

I will be in contact with you again during the week so if there are any problems you can let me know then.

Have a great week.

Take care,

Ms. Gargan


Overview Ms. Gargan’s Class 18th-22nd


Comic Strip

Plastic Pollution Questions

Plastic Pollution

What makes me happy_

Positivity Challenge Instructions

Positivity Challenge Table