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The Zen Zone is a beautiful, calming space in our school where students can relax, learn, and connect. It’s a place for small groups to gather for breakfast, baking, crafting, sensory activities, reading sessions, regulation time, meditation, and even workouts. This special room is one of...

Every Monday, Sam, our wonderful reading dog, visits our school alongside Katrin. Sam has a special talent—he listens as children read, creating a calm and supportive environment for young readers to grow in confidence. As part of Wellness Week, all 3rd and 4th class students had...

[gallery ids="4229,4231,4232,4230,4228,4227,4226,4225,4224"] On Monday, 10th February, we had a very exciting arrival at our school – five baby chicks! We eagerly watched over them in the incubator, waiting for the special moment when they would hatch. Phonic was the first to break out of its shell, followed...

The three boys Jake, Freddie and Ollie had been learning about the Solar System so at home they created this masterpiece. It is a show of  amazing skill and art. One could say it's OUT OF THIS WORLD! Well done boys :) ...

Dia Doibh, Last week, the school was celebrating Seachtain Na Gaeilge. There was plenty of fun-filled activities throughout the week such as Bingó, Cluichí Gaeilge, Tráth na gCeist agus Damhsa Céilí. Bain gach duine an- sult as an seachtain uilig. Everyone was speaking Irish and taking...

Throughout the week the school has been celebrating world book week in the school. Throughout the day, all 3rd classes gathered into the hall for 'Dear Time'. The children read their favourite books and shared their favourite stories with their friends. The children had a...

Room 15 completed a wonderful science experiment. This colorful science experiment is as easy as 1-2-3 and will keep them amused for as long as you can spare more Skittles. This experiment shows that water molecules are more active in warm water than in cold water and as...