It’s not all about winning but if you’re not in, you can’t win! Here at St Francis SNS, we are lucky to have many events, competitions, prizes and awards for our students throughout the year. Below are details of some of the events, competitions and prizes we offer.
On one of the days leading up to Halloween, children and teachers dress up in their Halloween costumes. This is one of the most exciting and entertaining days of the school calendar. We have seen some fantastic costumes over the years and the standard gets better
and better every year! On this day, judges go from class to class judging each costume and pick winners from each class who receive fantastic prizes. There is also an overall winner from each year group.
Before our Christmas break, we hold an annual Christmas fair. This is the biggest event on our school calendar. A lot of planning and preparation goes into it every year and it has been very successful. Every year we are lucky to get lots and lots of prizes and bric a brac donated to us from local shops, businesses, parents, children and teachers.
Many stalls are set up around the school on this day such as our much loved “bric a brac” stall, our cake sale, hot dog stall, throw the bean bag game among many more! Children and parents are given the opportunity to go from stall to stall on the day.
Our Christmas raffle takes place on the day after the Christmas fair. On the days and weeks leading up to the Christmas fair, children and parents are given the opportunity to buy raffle tickets for this event. Some of the raffle prizes include some fantastic hampers, hotel dining vouchers, foosball tables and many, many more!
Each year, leading up to Christmas, we hold our Carol service in the local church. All the children sing several Christmas carols accompanied by our fantastic school band. All the classes perform a Christmas tune on their Tin Whistle’s as well.
Our school took part in the TESS (Tusla Educational Support Service) Every School Day Counts – 20 Day Challenge during the month of November. It raises awareness of the importance of attending school every day which has a positive impact on school attendance during November. Those with full attendance during the 20 day challenge receive a certificate and are entered into a draw to win an IPad (prize may change from year to year). Other smaller prizes will also be given out to those with full attendance.
For a week in March, we hold Seachtain na Gaeilge. The aim of this week is to encourage the children to talk as much Irish as they can. Teachers will give out tickets during this week to children that are making a big effort to talk Irish. Children who get these tickets put their names on the back of them. Tickets will be collected at the end of the week and a raffle will take place using the tickets. Winners will win some fantastic prizes!
We also have a Ceilí as part of this week where parents are invited to the school and each class performs a traditional Irish Dance!
This usually takes place in the month of April/May (changes every year) and is a week filled with games, walks, obstacles and many more fun activities! It promotes health and well-being in our students. Children participate in lots of activities each day and are sure to come home tired every day!
At the end of each term, we have an assembly in the carpeted hall in the school to celebrate those who had full attendance in school during that term or only missed one day. Each child receives a certificate and a little prize for their achievement.
At the end of term, those with the most stamps in their classes get a prize. (If a few students in their individual classes have the same amount of stars at the end of the month, a name is picked out of a hat)
Our Bike Raffle is the most anticipated raffle of the school year. Children from each class work towards earning as many raffle tickets as they can by doing their homework, being on time for school and good behaviour. The more times your name appears in the raffle the more chances you have of winning. In June there is a huge assembly and a name is picked out of a drum !! Each year a deserving student will cycle out of the school on their brand new bike .