School Attendance

Attendance in St. Francis Senior School

School Attendance – what every parent needs to know

Under the Education (Welfare) Act, 2000 parents are responsible for making sure their child receives an education.

In St. Francis Senior School we will help parents in whatever way we can to ensure your child gets an education.  Please keep in contact with our HSCL teacher if you have any questions or concerns over attendance.

WE REWARD GOOD ATTENDANCE, we give out regular attendance prizes and certificates for excellent attendance, this encourages good attendance.


Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if my child cannot go to school?

You must tell the school that your child cannot attend and say why. Write a short note to the school to explain why your child was out of school and send it in with your child when they go back to school. Generally, there are good reasons why a child is missing school (e.g. illness).

Keep in regular contact with your child’s school to explain why your child is absent and, where appropriate, provide medical certificates.

What will the school do if my child misses a lot of school?

The school must tell the statutory Educational Welfare Services of the Child and Family Agency (TUSLA) if your child has missed 20 days or more in the school year, or if it is concerned that your child is missing too much school.

Can I take my child on holidays during term time?

Taking a holiday during term time means that children miss important school time. It will be difficult for them to catch up on work later on. As a result, they may fall behind with school work and lose confidence in their abilities. We strongly advise parents do not take their children out of school for holidays during term time.