Room 4 Update - St. Francis Senior School
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Room 4 Update

Room 4 Update

Hi everyone, Mr. O’Connor here. I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and that you are safe and well. Unfortunately we are back in the situation we were in at the end of the last school year! We will be doing school work from home until the end of January due to Covid-19. We have decided to use the school website to post the work we would like you to do each day. Below I have posted a timetable for this week, January 11th – 15th. Each day we are asking you to do English, Maths and one other subject. The activities for the other subjects are described below the timetable. Some of you have the Literacy Lift Off book and some have Flying High. Just complete the work for the one you have in your bag! We are moving onto week 12 in master your maths. Hopefully this will only be for a few weeks. All we are asking for is for pupils to try their best don’t worry if you don’t get something finished. Good luck with it everyone and stay safe!

If anybody has any questions about the work you can contact me on

6th Class Work Pack 1


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Master Your Maths

Continue with the next day

Practice your tables (x2)



Master Your Maths

Continue with the next day

Practice your tables (x2)


Master Your Maths

Continue with the next day

Practice your tables (x3)


Master Your Maths

Continue with the next day

Practice your tables (x3)


Master Your Maths

Continue with the next day

Practice your tables (Test Yourself x2/x3)


Spell It 

Learn your next set of spelling words and do the next 2 activities in your spelling book.

Lift Off

Read Pg. 2

Flying High

Read Pg. 1 – 7


Spell It

Learn your next set of spelling words and do the next 2 activities in your spelling book.

Lift Off

Pg. 3 Answer       Qs 3 & 4

Flying High

Pg. 8 Answer

Q A & B


Spell It

Learn your next set of spelling words and do the next 2 activities in your spelling book.

Lift Off

Read Pg. 8

Flying High

Read Pg. 11 – 17


Spell It

Learn your next set of spelling words and do the next 2 activities in your spelling book.

Lift Off

Pg. 9 Answer Q 3

Flying High

Read Pg. 11 – 17


Spell It

Learn your next set of spelling words and do the next 2 activities in your spelling


Lift Off  

Pg. 9 Complete Q4

Flying High

Read Pg. 10 – Poem


Exercises counting from 10 – 1



Sa Chistin




Trees in your Local Park


Promoting Positivity



Bumblebee Art




Count from 10-1 (You can count in English or Irish)

X10 – Star Jumps,

X9 – Sit Ups,

X8 – Mountain Climbers,

X7 – Burpees,

X6 – Air Punches,

X5 – Arm Circles,

X4 – High Knees,

X3 – Press ups,

X2 – High Jumps,

X1- Whole body stretch on your tippy toes and arm stretch above head- hold for 10 seconds


  • Write down 10 Irish words for any items found in your kitchen, like food, utensils, furniture etc
  • Draw a picture to match each picture



  • Walk to your nearest local park within your 2km range. Pick an area in the park and draw a map from a birds eye view perspective
  • Explore the trees in the park – Describe the tree – size / colour / shape / leaf / Identify some Irish trees (Aim for 5)
  • Example: Oak/Ash/Horse Chestnut / Holly / Sycamore / Beech / Willow / Hawthorn / Birch / Willow / Hazel)
  • If you have access to the internet explore the following websites to learn more about trees native to ireland
  • (Sammy Squirrel tells us about Tree Day, trees and forest in general and how to care for our environment
  • (information about native trees to Ireland.)
  • (interactive quiz to test your knowledge of trees)



Whole family activity

  • One page per person. Put your own name at the top of the page. Then taking it in turns, write 3 positive things about that person whose name is at the top of the page.
  • This can range from good characteristics, why you look up to them, what makes them a good person etc.
  • Continue until you all have written on everyone’s page. At the end everyone in the family should have a nice list of positive qualities about themselves.




  • Use an empty cardboard egg carton and other art and household items to create your own bumblebee