25 Jan Ms. Gargan’s Classwork 25th – 29th January ’21
Good morning Girls and Boys,
I hope you had a lovely weekend and that you are ready for this weeks selection of activities.
Here you will find an overview of this weeks work, the worksheets that you will need as well as last weeks answers to Maths and Spellings in case you did not see them on Google Classroom on Friday.
Make sure you check out Google Classroom too as new activities are added daily for you to complete. Your classmates are there also sharing their work and offering words of encouragement and support to each other too. Please log in if you have not already done so.
If you attend Ms. Nolan for reading please look at her overview which she has also attached here.
Remember if you complete all of this work each day and you want to challenge yourself further don’t forget to log on to Mathletics.
There will be a class zoom call tomorrow Tuesday at 11am so I look forward to seeing you all then.
Have a great week.
Take care,
Ms. Gargan
Irish – Caitheamh Aimsire Sorting Activity